5. Accounting Worksheets
Printable worksheets that students can use to practice accounting while running their food truck business in the board game.
Includes General Journal, General Ledger, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet.
How It’s Used
Provide printed copies of each worksheet to every student playing the game and direct them to record their accounting transactions in the General Journal and General Ledger while they play.
After a few rounds of play, direct students to use the data from the General Ledger to complete the Balance Sheet and Income Statement worksheets. Repeat this process every few rounds of play.
Next Steps
View Worksheets (PDF) for the Food Truck Entrepreneur Board Game
View Worksheets (PDF) for the Entrepreneur Board Game
You can print and download the worksheets using the icons that appear.
Resources to help students learn the basics of accounting are included in the Business Superhero Book and Lessons & Activities.