GoVenture PROJECT MANAGEMENT | Instructor Guide

  • Move 1. Start Here
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    👉1. Start Here

    1. Watch the 2-minute video above.

    2. To unlock a GoVenture product, you need a Subscription Key. Then follow one of these directions —

    3. Log in with your username and passwor

    1. Start Here 248 words
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  • Move 2. Your Instructor Account
    Open 2. Your Instructor Account

    2. Your Instructor Account

    2.1 Instructor Account

    • To unlock a GoVenture product, you need a Subscription Key. Then follow one of these directions —

    • Log in with your username and password to review the Instructor Dashboard (website). The Subscription Key is now expired and no longer needed.

    • The Instructor Dashboard allows you to create Groups, monitor student progress and performance, and play GoVenture as a student.

    Screenshot of the Instructor Dashboard (website)

    <img src = "

    2. Your Instructor Account 160 words
  • Move 3. Learning Resources
    Open 3. Learning Resources

    3. Learning Resources

    3.1 Project Management Simulation

    Product details are at

    Students can play the Simulation once an instructor gives them a Group number to join. Instructors can use the Play As Student feature to play as a student — but you must first create a Group to play.

    3.2 Instructor Guide and Website 

    This document you are reading now and an Instructor Dashboard (website) for monitoring student progress and performance.

    3.3 User Guide

    A guide for students that can be accessed from the Dashboard — User Guide

    3.4 Demo & Tutorial Video

    Video to watch before playing the Simulation — available in the User Guide

    3.5 B

    3. Learning Resources 601 words
  • Move 4. Student Accounts & Onboarding
    Open 4. Student Accounts & Onboarding

    4. Student Accounts & Onboarding

    4.1 Student Accounts

    Identify the type of account that applies to you and review the details below. Your type is displayed on your Instructor Dashboard as shown below.

    • Learner Managed — College, Nonprofit, Business
    • Instructor Managed — Primarily for K-12 Schools

    4.1.1 Learner Managed — primarily for colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses

    • Students create and manage their own personal login accounts.
    • Students create accounts with a Subscription Key — a 32 digit number that looks like this: 12345678-12345678-12345678-12345678.

    • Students can p

    4. Student Accounts & Onboarding 904 words
  • Move 5. Groups
    Open 5. Groups

    5. Groups

    5.1 Creating Groups

    • For students to begin playing the Simulation, the instructor must create a new Group. Groups allow you to keep student performance results separated by class, school, region, or any other grouping that you prefer. Students can join multiple Groups.

    • Use the Instructor Dashboard to create a Group. 

      • Follow the on-screen directions to choose your Group settings — including the specific Project Scenario you want students to play.

      • Copy and share the 7-digit Group number with your students. Students will join your Group and be able to play the Simulation. Instructors can also use the Group Number to play as a student.

      • When students join your Group number, they will automatically appear on your Instructor Dashboard. Rostering is automated so you do not have to input student names or other information.

      • To allow students to play more than one Project Scenario, you mus
    5. Groups 345 words
  • Move 6. Duration of Play & Curriculum Implementation
    Open 6. Duration of Play & Curriculum Implementation

    6. Duration of Play & Curriculum Planning

    • Three Project Scenarios are available to play and instructors can choose to have students play any or all of them — 

      • Energy Bar — In this simulation you will direct the development of a new Energy Bar by a food production company. You will take the project from recipe testing through to the actual production and distribution of the new energy bar.  

      • Restaurant Franchise — In this simulation you will direct the development of a new restaurant within a franchise of health food restaurants. You will take the project from the initial renovation of an existing building through to the grand opening of the new restaurant. 

      • Smartwatch Spinout — In this simulation you will direct the launch of a spinout company that will manufacture a new smartwatch device. You will take the project from the registration of the new company to production and distribution of the s
    6. Duration of Play & Curriculum Implementation 375 words
  • Move 7. Saving and Resuming Progress
    Open 7. Saving and Resuming Progress

    7. Saving and Resuming Progress

    • Student progress is automatically saved online.

    • Students can quit and resume their progress at any time.

    • Students will automatically continue from where they stopped playing.

    • Groups settings provide instructors the option of allowing students to reset their Simulations. Resetting restarts a Simulation from the beginning — all progress for that Simulation in the specific Group is deleted (but has no effect on other Groups the student may be playing). Instructors can use the Dashboard to reset a student at any time, even if the student is not give the option to reset their own Simulation.

    7. Saving and Resuming Progress 111 words
  • Move 8. Assessment
    Open 8. Assessment

    8. Assessment

    8.1 Monitoring Student Progress & Performance

    • Student progress and performance are tracked automatically and detailed reports are instantly available on the Instructor Dashboard under Groups & Reports.

    • Instructors can view and compare summary results for all students in a Group. Clicking a student name displays a detailed Performance Report for the student.

    • Assessment is fully automated as described below.

    8.2 Performance SCORE — Metrics & Weights

    Assessment is fully automated and summarized in a Performance Score (0 to 100%) that is weighted across multiple metrics:

    Project Completion — 40%
    On Time — 25%
    On Budget — 25%
    Quiz Score — 10%
    • Project Completion is the most significant metric because it rewards students for putting in the time and effort to complete the activity. Students who do not fully complete the Project Scenario
    8. Assessment 227 words
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