8. Assessment
8.1 Monitoring Student Progress & Performance
Student progress and performance are tracked automatically and detailed reports are instantly available on the Instructor Dashboard under Groups & Reports.
Instructors can view and compare summary results for all students in a Group. Clicking a student name displays a detailed Performance Report for the student.
Assessment is fully automated as described below.
8.2 Performance SCORE — Metrics & Weights
Assessment is fully automated and summarized in a Performance Score (0 to 100%) that is weighted across multiple metrics:
On Time — 25%
On Budget — 25%
Quiz Score — 10%
Project Completion is the most significant metric because it rewards students for putting in the time and effort to complete the activity. Students who do not fully complete the Project Scenario will have a low Performance Score.
Each Project Scenario (by Group) that students play is assigned a unique score.
8.3 Performance Report
The Performance Report provides a detailed view of student activity, but the only item that is needed by instructors for assessment is the Performance Score.
Students can see their own reports in real time, but not those of other students.