GoVenture CEO | Instructor Guide

  • Move 1. Start Here
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    👉1. Start Here

    1.1 Create Your Instructor Account

    • Create your Instructor Account at — you only need to do this once. Going forward you may log in at any time with your username and password.

    1.2 How To Get Started

    • Get started quickly by watching this 10-minute video by the founder & CEO of MediaSpark and designer of GoVenture CEO.

    1.3 Five-Step Summary

    You can do this yourself or book an onboarding meeting wi

    1. Start Here 302 words
  • Move ⛑️ Help With Setup?
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    ⛑️ Help With Setup? 41 words
  • Move 2. Your Instructor Account
    Open 2. Your Instructor Account

    2. Your Instructor Account

    2.1 Instructor Account

    • Once you have a Subscription Key, go to and follow the links to CREATE ACCOUNT.

    • Once you create your Instructor Account, log in with your username and password to review the Instructor Dashboard (website). The Subscription Key is now expired and no longer needed.

    • The Instructor Dashboard allows you to create Simulations, monitor student progress and performance, and play GoVenture as a student.

    Screenshot of the Instructor Dashboard (website)

    2.2 Sharing Instructor Accounts

    Instructors can share access to their accounts with other instructors or colleagues.

    <a href="

    2. Your Instructor Account 127 words
  • Move 3. Learning Resources
    Open 3. Learning Resources

    3. Learning Resources

    3.1 CEO Simulation

    Product details are at

    Students can play once an instructor gives them a Group number to join. Instructors can use the Play As Student feature to play as a student — but you must first create a Group to play.

    3.2 Instructor Guide and Website 

    This document you are reading now and an Instructor Dashboard (website) for monitoring student progress and performance.

    3.3 User Guide

    A guide for students that can be accessed from the Dashboard — User Guide

    3.4 Tutorial Video

    Video to watch before playing — available on the Instructor and Student Dashboards and in the User Guide

    3. Learning Resources 435 words
  • Move 4. Learning How To Play
    Open 4. Learning How To Play

    4 Learning How to Play

    4.1 Tutorial Video

    The Tutorial Video (30 minutes) is the primary resource for learning how to play GoVenture CEO. The Tutorial Video is available on the Instructor and Student Dashboards and in the User Guide. Additional learning resources are described below.

    4.2 For Instructors (Simulation Managers)

    As an instructor (Simulation Manager), the best way to learn GoVenture CEO is to play it as a student (player), as follows:

    1. Watch the Tutorial Video.

    2. Create a new Simulation Competition (click CREATE) and choose a QuickStart. Consider choosing one of the more advanced o

    4. Learning How To Play 361 words
  • Move 5. Creating Simulations
    Open 5. Creating Simulations

    5. Creating Simulations

    Schedule a meeting with a GoVenture Learning advisor — we can help you choose and set up simulations that best match your needs.

    5.1 Creating a Simulation Competition

    You must create a Simulation Competition before you or anyone can join to play. This should be the first thing that you do. Once a Simulation Competition has been created, you can manage it using the options provided on the Instructor Dashboard. Watch the video below.

    5.2 Individual & Team Play

    For options, see section 8 Individual & Team Play.

    5.3 Time Required

    • It is up to
    5. Creating Simulations 1,795 words
  • Move 6. Student Accounts & Onboarding
    Open 6. Student Accounts & Onboarding

    6. Student Accounts

    6.1 Student Accounts

    Identify the type of account that applies to you and review the details below. Your type is displayed on your Instructor Dashboard as shown below.

    • Learner Managed — College, Nonprofit, Business
    • Instructor Managed — Primarily for K-12 Schools

    6.1.1 Learner Managed — primarily for colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses

    • Students create and manage their own personal login accounts.
    • Students create accounts with a Subscription Key — a 32 digit number that looks like this: 12345678-12345678-12345678-12345678.

    • Students can purchase th

    6. Student Accounts & Onboarding 412 words
  • Move 7. Onboarding Students
    Open 7. Onboarding Students

    7. Onboarding Students

    Use one or more of the resources and activities below to prepare your students to play GoVenture CEO.

    7.1 Student Accounts

    Determine how students will access GoVenture — see Student Accounts section for details.

    7.2 Student Directions SLIDES

    • Present the Student-Directions SLIDES to students on a big screen or online meeting, or make them available for self-directed viewing.  

    • The slides explain everything that students need to know about what GoVenture CEO is and how to get a Subscription Key.  

    • This slide deck is available on your Instructor Dashboard and requires minor

    7. Onboarding Students 609 words
  • Move 8. Individual & Team Play
    Open 8. Individual & Team Play

    8. Individual & Team Play

    8.1 Individual Play

    • Simulation Competitions can be created to allow one player to run a business on their own, or multiple players to run the same business together as a team.

    • It is best to have students play an individual simulation before playing a team simulation. This provides students the opportunity and responsibility to learn how to play on their own without relying on others.  The benefit of doing so is that when the team simulation begins, all students will have a common baseline knowledge and confidence that enables them to better contribute to team collaboration and dynamics.

    8.2 Team Play

    • Simulation Competitions can be created to allow for more than one player to run the same business together as a team.

    • To set this up, choose the team option when creating a Simulation Competition.

    • The instructor decides who will play on which team.  Teams can be of any size and they a

    8. Individual & Team Play 1,495 words
  • Move 9. Curriculum Planning
    Open 9. Curriculum Planning

    9. Curriculum Planning

    9.1 Sample Implementation

    • The tables below describe implementations that are commonly used.  

    • On average, it may take 15-40 minutes each period for a player acting alone to make thoughtful decisions (or one hour or more for thorough analysis). With team play, at least one hour or more per period is often needed to allow for communication and consensus. It is up to the Simulation Manager to determine how much time pressure will be applied.

    • When choosing simulations to play, review the many QuickStarts available to find industries that best match your curriculum.

    • You can start with a basic simulation and move up to more advanced simulations, providing students with increasing challenges and new information to discover.  Or, you may choose to use the same simulation throughout, so that students become more comfortable with the business decisions they must make to be competitive.

    • Student onboarding and Assessment options are describ

    9. Curriculum Planning 659 words
  • Move 10. Assessment & Monitoring
    Open 10. Assessment & Monitoring

    10. Assessment & Monitoring

    Playing a business simulation is one of the most memorable and meaningful educational experiences you can give to students. Complement this experience with an assessment and grading methodology that best aligns with your curriculum.

    10.1 Monitoring

    10.2 Viewing a Simulation as a Student

    • The Monitor Simulation feature can be used to view the simulation interface as a student.  This mode is safe and has no effect on the simulation.

    • The View Settings feature can be used to review the detailed settings of a simulation.

    • An instru

    10. Assessment & Monitoring 5,726 words
  • Move 11. Coaching Students
    Open 11. Coaching Students

    11. Coaching Students

    11.1 From Instructor to Coach

    Instructor — "I'm going to teach you what you need to know."

    Coach — "I'm going to help you discover what you need to know."

    Instructors who adopt experiential learning into their courses discover an important change in how they interact with students. They move from being an instructor, or provider of information, to a coach or advisor. A coach who facilitates the learning process and encourages reflection through observations, questions, and discussions. It's an amazing experience — an Aha! moment in teaching.

    Watch this video to discover how ...


    11. Coaching Students 711 words
  • Move 12. Competition & Awardsi
    Open 12. Competition & Awardsi

    12. Competition & Awards

    • An effective way to increase fun and performance is through competition. Use Net Profit, Rubric Score, or other metric to rank students. Here is one possible measure:

      • Top 10% earn 10 points
      • Top 25% earn 7 points
      • Top 50% earn 5 points
      • Top 75% earn 3 points
      • All others earn 0 points
    • If you choose to award cash, gifts, or other prizes, we recommend that you choose a larger number of winners for small prizes, rather than a few winners of larger prizes. This will motivate a higher number of participants to do well, while also minimizing any perceived unfairness that could arise with a larger prize.

    • Prizes should be announced at the beginning of the Simulation Competition, and could be simple inexpensive gifts or even extra marks.

    12. Competition & Awardsi 147 words
  • Move 13. Troubleshooting
    Open 13. Troubleshooting

    13. Troubleshooting

    GoVenture CEO is a well-refined and tested simulation.  It is rare for problems to arise, but if they do, instructors should direct students to click the HELP button to contact the MediaSpark-GoVenture team.

    Below is a list of select issues and how to respond:

    13.1 Student Subscription Key does not work

    • A Subscription KEY is used to create an account.  

    • The KEY is 32 numbers formatted like this: 12345678-12345678-12345678-12345678

    • A Subscription KEY can only be used one time to create a new login account. Once a KEY has been used to create a login account, students should log in to GoVenture using their username and password. The KEY is no longer needed and it expires so it cannot be used again.

    • Students may forget that they have already used their Subscription KEY or they mistakenly believe they have to use it more than once and they will get a message that they KEY has expired. Stude

    13. Troubleshooting 1,321 words
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