9. Curriculum Planning

9.1 Sample Implementation

9.2 14-Week Semester

Simulation Time Advance Grading
#1 Practice: Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other. Turn ON the Tutorial Quiz and set all Market Research reports to cost $0. 1-WEEK DURATION: 7 Periods. Advance once each day for 7 days in a row. Participation — 5 points earned by saving in at least 4 periods, otherwise 0 points.
#2 Individual Play: Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other. 5-WEEK DURATION: 5 Periods. Advance once each week. See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.
#3 Team Play: Students work in teams of 3 or 4 to manage the same business while competing against other student teams. 5-WEEK DURATION: 5 Periods. Advance once each week. See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.

9.3 5-Week Course

Simulation Time Advance Grading
Simulation #1: Practice
Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other. Turn ON the Tutorial Quiz and set all Market Research reports to cost $0.
7 Periods. Advance once each day for 7 days in a row.
Participation — 5 points earned by saving in at least 4 periods, otherwise 0 points.
Simulation #2: Individual Play
Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other.
5 or 6 Periods. Advance three times each week.
See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.
Simulation #3: Team Play (or Individual Play if preferred)
Students work in teams of 3 or 4 to manage the same business while competing against other student teams.
5 or 6 Periods. Advance three times each week.
See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.

9.4 Choose Your Own Duration

Simulation Time Advance Grading
#1 Practice: Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other. Turn ON the Tutorial Quiz and set all Market Research reports to cost $0. 7 Periods. Advance once each day for 7 days. Participation — 5 points earned by saving in at least 4 periods, otherwise 0 points.
#2 Individual Play: Students each run their own businesses while competing against each other. 6 to 12 Periods. Advance 1, 2, or 3 days each week (depending on how much time you want students to focus on the simulation). See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.
#3 Team Play: Students work in teams of 3 or 4 to manage the same business while competing against other student teams. 6 to 8 Periods. Advance 1 or 2 days each week. See the Instructor Guide for assessment advice.