6. Student Accounts
6.1 Student Accounts
Identify the type of account that applies to you and review the details below. Your type is displayed on your Instructor Dashboard as shown below.
- Learner Managed — College, Nonprofit, Business
-or- - Instructor Managed — Primarily for K-12 Schools
6.1.1 Learner Managed — primarily for colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses
- Students create and manage their own personal login accounts.
Students create accounts with a Subscription Key — a 32 digit number that looks like this: 12345678-12345678-12345678-12345678.
Students can purchase their own Subscription Keys or organizations can purchase them for students using any combination of these three options:
- Purchase keys individually or in bulk using a credit card or PayPal at BuyGoVenture.com
- Buy with a Purchase Order using our Order Form at GoVenture.net/prices
- Sell through a bookstore — review the information at GoVenture.net/bookstore
Give students the Simulation Number number you want them to play and your student roster will build automatically as students join your Simulation Competition. You do not have to input student names, emails, or any other information — it's all automated.
For helpful instructions and resources, see section 7 Onboarding Students.
6.1.2 Instructor Managed — primarily for K-12 schools
Instructor Managed subscriptions do not require students to create full accounts on GoVenture. Students do not have to disclose personally-identifiable information.
Instructors do not need to input a student roster. This will be done automatically by GoVenture.
Students will be prompted to enter a Simulation Number and their name (or student ID or other pseudonym) and password. When you create a new Simulation Competition, you will be given a unique Simulation Number to distribute to each student. Each Simulation Number will be similar but with a few digits added to the end (such as -01, -02, -03, etc).
If a student forgets their personal Simulation Number, you can retrieve it from ALL REPORTS > BUSINESSES.
If a student forgets their password, you can reset it using the RESET PASSWORD feature in the ACTIONS tile.
Important — The website students go to is not the same as the instructor. The correct website for students is GoVentureCEO.com/play and is listed in DIRECTIONS FOR PLAYERS in the ACTIONS tile.