11. Coaching Students

11.1 From Instructor to Coach

Instructor — "I'm going to teach you what you need to know."

Coach — "I'm going to help you discover what you need to know."

Instructors who adopt experiential learning into their courses discover an important change in how they interact with students. They move from being an instructor, or provider of information, to a coach or advisor. A coach who facilitates the learning process and encourages reflection through observations, questions, and discussions. It's an amazing experience — an Aha! moment in teaching.

Watch this video to discover how ...

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11.2 DEBRIEF Performance Report

Consider showing the DEBRIEF Performance Report (found in the white Manage tile) on a big screen in front of the class or on a shared screen in an online meeting. Identify businesses that appear to be improving and ask them to share their thoughts with everyone.

11.3 Student Reflection Slides

A Simulation Competition provides many opportunities for discussion, reflection, and coaching. To help with these efforts, use the 📃Student Reflection Slides found on the Instructor Dashboard in the yellow Tutorials & Guides tile.

11.4 Sample Discussion Topics

11.5 Helping Students with Strategy

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