9. Assessment

GoVenture Entrepreneur includes multiple assessment options to choose from, enabling instructors to perfectly match their grading and performance preferences. Watch this 12-minute video to discover how to set up GoVenture Entrepreneur for your course and review student assessment methods.

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9.1 Assessment Methods

9.1.1 Summary

Simulation PARTICIPATION Participation means playing a required number of Simulation Days. Participation is typically the heaviest weighted assessment metric.
A holistic measure of business success is calculated with a Skill Score.
Competition Comparison of student SKILL scores or PROFIT with other students in the same class or cohort.
Microlearning Completion of required Microlearning Modules and related quiz scores.
Student Experience Report or Presentation Students prepare written, live, or video presentations or reports on their experience playing the simulation and business decisions and strategy. A template is available in section 9.1.2
Activities Printable activities can be assigned and graded.

9.1.2 Details

View the table above with full details.

Expand this section — click the black triangle
Simulation PARTICIPATION Participation should be the heaviest weighted assessment metric. Participation means playing a required number of Simulation Days. On average, it takes 1 hour to play 30 Simulation Days for Lemonade Stand, 1.5 hours for Kiosk Business, and 2 hours for Full Business. Play cannot be automated, meaning that students remain engaged by being required to continually make decisions in the simulation.

Making poor decisions or avoiding decisions will lead to bankruptcy and require the student to start over. A student that keeps the business running for many business days demonstrates, at minimum, a satisfactory level of work and performance. Profitability and other metrics demonstrate the degree or level of business success achieved and can also be used for performance comparisons with other students.
A holistic measure of business success is calculated with a Skill Score. All key business metrics in the simulation are tracked and reported. Business metrics include Days in Business, Profit, Profit Margin, Cash, Revenue, Expenses, Assets & Liabilities, Equity, Customer Satisfaction, Employee Morale, Health, and more. See below for how SKILL is calculated. See further up in this document how team play can be assessed.
Competition If competition is important to you, compare student SKILL score or PROFIT with other students in the same class or cohort. Consider how the Global Leaderboards can be used to further motivate and reward students.
Microlearning GoVenture is enhanced with over 100 microlearning modules that introduce business concepts using video and other media supported with knowledge checks and quizzes. Students earn 1 star for completing a microlearning module with 1 mistake made on the quiz questions for that module, or 2 stars if no mistakes made. 0 stars are earned otherwise. A student earning 2 stars on all microlearning modules (chosen by the instructor) will earn 100% while a student earning 1 star on all modules will earn 70%. A mix of stars will earn students a score in between 70% to 100%.
Student Experience Report or Presentation Students prepare written, live, or video presentations or reports on their experience playing the simulation and business decisions and strategy. Encourages students to reflect on their simulation experience and what they learned, and then organize and present their thoughts. A report template is available in Google Slides, which you can download, edit, and send to students (using your school LMS or other method). The questions in this template are for the Full Business so you may need to remove some questions if your students only played Kiosk or Lemonade Stand. Click here to view the template (do not share this link with students).
Activities Printable activities can be assigned and graded.
Test Bank Quiz questions aligned with the Business Learning & Activity Book are available to instructors as a Google document (upon request). The Test Bank should only be considered if the Microlearning module is not used.

9.1.3 Details

If you need to calculate points for grades or transfer them to a learning management system, all reports and data tables in GoVenture can be copied to a spreadsheet — this video shows you how.

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9.2 Rubric Score & Sample Assessment Formula

50% Participation
(Days Played)
+ 20% Performance
(Skill Score)
+ 30% Microlearning
60% Participation
(Days Played)
+ 40% Performance
(Skill Score)

9.3 Adding Competition

The above are suggested examples — instructors should use their preferred assessment methods and weightings. Note that formulas like the above must be manually calculated by the instructor using a spreadsheet or other method.

9.4 Performance Report — Summary

Lemonade Stand Business

Player & Business Name Days Played Number of Stands Quantity Sold Sales Revenue Expenses & COGS Profit Profit Margin Skill Score
Student Name
Business Name
# # # $ $ $ % % ★★★

Kiosk Business

Player & Business Name Type of Business Days Played Revenue Expenses & COGS Profit Profit Margin Health Skill Score
Student Name
Business name
Bus. Type # Kiosks # $ $ $ % % % ★★★

Full Business

Player & Business Name Type of Business Days Played Revenue Expenses & COGS Profit Profit Margin Health Skill Score
Student Name
Business name
Bus. Type # Locations # $ $ $ % % % ★★★


Player Topics Completed Percent Completed Score Grade Points Rating: ★★1.5 ★0.7
Student Name # % % #

9.5 Performance Report — Detail

9.6 Skill Scores

Lemonade Stand

Kiosk Business

Kiosk With Manual AccountingIf the Kiosk business is played with Manual Accounting where students have to post their debits and credits for each financial transaction, points are deducted from the Skill score each time a student uses the options to Show Hint (minus 0.5 points) or Show Answer (minus 1.0 points).

Full Business