7. Onboarding Students

Use one or more of the resources and activities below to prepare your students to play GoVenture CEO.

7.1 Student Accounts

Determine how students will access GoVenture — see Student Accounts section for details.

7.2 Student Directions SLIDES

7.3 Tutorial VIDEOS

7.4 Practice Simulation

Playing a practice simulation is highly recommended to assure student success by achieving these three objectives:

  1. To become familiar with the simulation interface.

  2. To practice making and saving decisions by the set deadlines.

  3. To experiment with making business decisions and their consequences.

There are two types of practice simulations that you can offer, or do both: Student Play and/or Instructor-Led Play.

7.4.2 Instructor-Led Play — optional but helpful

7.4.3 Instructor-Led Play