👉1. Start Here

Instructors — get started quickly by watching the videos or following the step-by-step directions — both are below. Note that Personal Finance and Life & Money are similar products.

1.1 Watch Demo Video For Instructors

Watch this 8 minute video then follow the directions below. A more detailed tutorial video is available further in this document.

Watch Full Screen

1.2 Create Account & Log In


Create your ACCOUNT using the KEY provided to you

Use this direct link: GoVentureLife.com/register


Follow the full path by going to GoVenturePersonalFinance.com (in Texas) or GoVentureLife.com (rest of the world) and click Create Account


Log In with your Username and Password


Review the Instructor Dashboard

Clicking the big orange question mark button gives you access to instructor resources including this Instructor Guide.


Review & Play

Continue reading this document to discover everything you need to know. If you want to immediately experience GoVenture as a student, click GROUPS & REPORTS then PLAY AS STUDENT and join Group number 3998304.