7. Assessment

7.1 Sample Assessment Rubric

This table provides a sample rubric. Full details are provided below the table.

eWorkbook and Your Story Simulation Completion 20
Activities Online - Mo's Profile Completion and accuracy (1 point per Activity) 10
Activities Online - Student Profile Completion (1/2 point per Activity) 5
Activities PDF Completion and accuracy (Points based on number of Activities assigned) 20
Simulation 1 (Practice) Life Goals Points (Use "Practice" Life Goals List) 5
Simulation 2 Life Goals Points (25-35% based on completion with the remainder on achieving other Life Goals) 15
Simulation 3 Life Goals Points (25-35% based on completion, with the remainder on achieving other Life Goals) 15
Tests 10

7.2 Life & Money Simulation

Watch Full Screen

7.3 Investing Simulation

7.4 Your Story Simulation

7.5 eWorkbook

7.6 Learning Guide

7.7 Online & PDF Activities