6. Curriculum Planning Guide

6.1 Time Available

6.2 Time Required

The hours listed below can be completed over multiple session in class or at home.

Your Story Simulation — 1.5 to 2 hours

eWorkbook — 2 to 5 hours

Online Activities x10 — 15 to 60 minutes each

PDF Activities x70 — 15 to 60 minutes each

Videos — depends on which ones are assigned

Develop Language SkillsView Document PDF

Investing Simulation — 1 to 10 hours depends on the number of simulation years to be played and instructor pacing. This activity can be repeated multipled times.

Life & Money Simulation — 5 to 15 hours depending on the number of simulation years to be played and instructor pacing. This activity can be repeated multipled times.

6.3 Teaching Students the Fundamentals

6.4 Resource Selection

This detailed video will help you understand how all of the GoVenture resources should best be used so that you can be efficient in your learning strategy. This video is for both teachers and students.

Watch Full Screen

6.5 Scope & Sequence

Detailed Scope & Planning options are described in the Curriculum Guide PDF